WordPress 301 Direct Plugin

Here\’s a plugin that lets you easily set up 301 Redirects in WordPress.


Simple 301 Redirects

While operating a WordPress site, a 404 error may appear due to the deletion of posts or pages or the change of address. If left unchecked, it will lead to poor results in terms of SEO. What can we do to solve this? There is a plugin that can be solved simply.


Install Simple 301 Redirects

In your WordPress dashboard, under Add new plugin >, enter 301 redirect in the search field and search for plugins. At the top of the search results, you\’ll see Simple 301 Redirects. Click Install Now to install the plug-in.


After installation, click the Activate button.


Set up redirection

Once activated, click Settings > 301 Redirects to go to the Plug-in Settings page. When you enter the plugin page, you will see a simple setting page. There are only two fields: Request and Destination. For Request, enter the original address, that is, the address that is currently unavailable. For Destination, enter which address you want to redirect it to.


After entering these two items, click ADD NOW to save the settings you entered. That\’s it. After that, connect to the address that gives the error and test whether it switches to the new address.

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