How to view file extensions in Windows 10

I tried to write about how to view file extensions in Windows 10. I said the title Windows 10 file extension display, but it is applicable to all versions except Windows 10. Displaying file extensions makes the screen feel less neatly organized, but it adds convenience. Try to imitate the following method. It\’s that simple.


Windows10 file extension display

  1. First open the file browser (shortcut key is Window Key + E). When the file browser opens, click View at the top and check the file extension in the lower ribbon menu.
  2. Immediately after checking the file extension, you can see that the extension appears after the file name, as shown below.

* Reference: In the case of Windows 7, if you clear the Hide known file extensions check box from the Configuration – Folder and Search Options – Display List at the top left of the file browser, the file extension will be displayed.


Changing the file extension

Once the extension is set to be visible, you can change it in the following ways:

  1. Right-click the file whose extension you want to change and choose to rename it.
  2. When the cursor is displayed so that you can change the file name as shown below, change the extension and press enter.

* Please do not change the extension unless you have a specific purpose. Changing the extension does not change the format of the file. If you wish to convert the file, you need to convert the file format to a successful conversion method.

All file extensions are case sensitive. How to change the file extension is basic, but it is useful for those who are not familiar with using a PC.

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